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Acne Scar Treatments

Acne scar treatment at Twacha Skin and Hair Clinic Kochi

Have your pimples healed but left behind scars and pits?

Do not let your acne scars pull your confidence down. Twacha Skin and Hair Clinic offers the best treatment options for acne scars treatment in Kochi. 

How are acne scars formed?

Acne or pimples cause significant inflammation in the skin. This inflammation can destroy the underlying connective tisse in the deeper part of the skin (dermis). This causes pits and scars. Sometimes, the scars are tethered down the skin by fibrous bands. 

What are the treatment options for acne scars?

Acne scars cannot be treated with creams or tablets. They need specific procedures that help in building the lost collagen below the skin or to remove the fibrous bands that pull the skin down.

At Twacha Skin and Hair Clinic, Kochi, our skin specialists offer the best treatment modalities for acne scars which are clinically proven to give effective results. The efficacy and safety profile of these procedures are proved in scientific papers and medical literature.

Our dermatologists will assess the type of scars and decide which is the best treatment option for your acne scars to get the best results. 

We offer the following options for acne scar treatment - 

Please call our clinic on 9656376939 for more information.

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