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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment

PRP treatment for hair loss at Twacha Skin and Hair Clinic Kochi

PRP or "platelet rich plasma" treatment has become a very popular treatment in the recent years for hair fall and skin rejuventaion. 

At Twacha Skin and Hair Clinic Kochi, we strive to give the best PRP treatment results  possible by using the right technique, superior PRP kits, best centrifuge and sterile precautions.

What is PRP treatment?

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. Platelets are a type of cells in the body, which have certain granules that promote growth and regeneration of cells and tissues, when injected at the high concentration. The platelets are derived from patient’s own blood.


What are the uses of PRP?

PRP is used in

  • Hair loss- male and female pattern baldness

  • Alopecia areata

  • Acne scars

  • Skin rejuvenation – popularly known as “Vampire facelift”

  • Stretch marks


How is PRP treatment done?

PRP treatment involves a series of steps-

  1. 12- 15 ml of patient’s blood is drawn into a sterile tube.

  2. It is subjected to a spinning process called “centrifugation” that separates the red cells from platelets.

  3. The platelet rich part of the separated blood is then drawn into a syringe for using it for different indications.


Hair loss – The PRP is injected into the affected areas of the scalp with a 1 cm gap. It is also done using a dermaroller/microneedling technique.


Acne scars- Dermaroller/microneedling procedure is done after applying PRP on the scars, after adequately anesthetizing it using an anesthesia cream.


Skin rejuvenation – Popularly called as "Vampire facial", dermaroller/microneedling procedure is done after applying PRP on the face after adequately anesthetizing it using an anesthesia cream.


Is it painful?

PRP treatment for hair loss is associated with mild to moderate pain, that can last for a day.

Face treatments are done after anaesthetizing with an anesthesia cream and are hence painless.

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